What we offer

Whether you are an executive, a
private individual, an employee or an
entrepreneur, you can use our services to
learn, grow, get ready – for a workplace culture
that benefits everyone. Queer diversity pays off. If everyone
can be who they are, people are free to realise their
talents, focus their energies and broaden their
horizons. That way, an open “for each other”
becomes a productive “with each other.”
Stronger team spirit | better work ethic |
increased productivity
alle Angebote >

Products I 
Rainbow Chat Deck
Jump on the Brain Train!
55 cards, 5 categories, unlimited options for conversation, thoughts and answers… test your knowledge about queer diversity.
Alle Informationen
23. February 2024 I Events I 
Coming Out Support February
How to support your colleagues
This workshop dives further into the tools and behaviours you can use to make a colleague’s or your own corporate coming out as easy as possible.
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12. March 2024 I Events I Virtual via Zoom
PROUT PERFORMER Lunch Talk with Sara Grzybek
PROUT AT WORK board member Albert Kehrer invites you to join his conversation with Queermed Germany founder Sara Grzybek.
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09. April 2024 I Events I Ludwigshafen am Rhein
TOGATHERING: Hate Speech in the Intranet
with BASF
Interactive workshop and networking event regarding hate speech in the intranet.
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25. April 2024 I Events I Microsoft Atrium
10 Years of PROUT AT WORK
Celebrate with us!
We are celebrating our 10th birthday in Berlin.
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01. January – 31. December 2023 I Workshops
Customized programs for the queer community.
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15. April 2024 I Events I Berlin
TOGATHERING: How to: Sustainable ergs in a fluid working environment
interaktives Workshop- und Vernetzungsangebot zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit in Netzwerken
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14. May 2024 I Events I virtual
PROUT AT WORK-Network call Q2
The call serves as a direct exchange of queer networkers with the PROUT AT WORK-board members.
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21. – 23. June 2024 I Workshops I Reinhausen near Göttingen I 
Coming Out Seminar
The seminar offers the opportunity to trace your own coming out biography in a protected space.
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13. August 2024 I Events I virtual
PROUT AT WORK-Network call Q3
The call serves as a direct exchange of queer networkers with PROUT AT WORK.
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12. November 2024 I Events I virtual
PROUT AT WORK-Network call Q4
The call serves as a direct exchange of queer networkers with PROUT AT WORK.
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Advice & guidance
Supporting transitions
We support and accompany employers and employees during transitions.
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PROUT AT WORK-conference
The PROUT AT WORK-conference is held annually on queer diversity-relevant topics.
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Sensitivity workshop for executives
In our leadership sensitivity workshop, we elaborate on why queer diversity is good business.
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Advice & guidance
Queer diversity: from strategy to reality
We guide you every step along the way as you put your concepts and goals into practice.
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#7 Third gender option
Our HOW TO No. 7 deals with the introduction of the third gender option.
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Advice & guidance
Establishing an queer diversity strategy
In this workshop, we develop a queer diversity strategy together that suits your needs.
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Generation Rainbow
Role models take on a very important function for us humans: They provide orientation. They help us to align, shape and…
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Setting up an queer network
You’re interested in setting up a queer network in your company? We help you getting started.
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Growing your queer network
In this workshop, we elevate your queer network to the next level together.
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Network calls
Once a quarter, we invite networkers to an interregional exchange at a joint ZOOM meeting.
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At our DINNER BEYOND BUSINESS, selected board members meet with our board members and advisory board members.
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Sensitivity workshop for newbies
With the help of a brief group experiment and plenty of time for exchange, newbies become real experts in queer topics.
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#5 LGBT*IQ for Employees
The guide provides answers to important questions and practical tips for coming out at the workplace.
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DEEP DIVE: Topic-specific intensive workshops
We regularly offer intensive workshops that address current queer diversity issues.
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This series of events is aimed at diversity & inclusion experts.
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Study: The L-Word in Business
A study on the situation of lesbian women in the workplace – with recommendations for employers.
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Queer Corporate Maturity Levels
We have developed a simple tool to check where you stand with your measures and what are the next steps to more queer…
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# 8 We are Family
Our Guide No. 8 provides information on various aspects regarding the life of rainbow families that are relevant for…
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Products I 
GaYme Changer
Jens Schadendorf describes, how the queer community as dynamic minority changes the global economy.
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Products I 
Andersrum in die Chefetage
Queer Karriere machen in der Männerwirtschaft (german only) As a gay man, Matthias Herzberg knows what it means to be…
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Advice & guidance
No pinkwashing: review and certification
Together, we review your company’s queer diversity status.
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#1 Same-sex marriage
In this guide, we show what changes can be expected in everyday business life with same-sex marriage.
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HOW TOs – our queer guides
PROUT AT WORK guides address queer-relevant issues and offer concrete options for action.
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Advice & guidance
Global queer diversity concepts
With our advisory service, we address the topic “LGBT*IQ goes global” and find tailor-fit answers.
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Advice & guidance
Queer diversity along your supply chain
With our advice and guidance on supplier diversity, we assist and accompany you during the implementation process.
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#4 LGBT*IQ for employers
A beginner’s guide from A as in acronym to Z as in zero disturbances concerning personnel development.
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#2 UN LGBTI Standards
A theoretical overview of the UN LGBTI Standards of Conduct for Business and suggestions for implementation.
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#3 Gender inclusive language
If you want to know how to include everyone linguistically, too, you will find answers and examples in this guide.
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TOGATHERING: Time to network
PROUT AT WORK-TOGATHERING – our format for committed queer networkers and all who want to become one.
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Study: Out at the Office?!
The new edition of the study “Out at the Office?!” looks at the current work situation of LGBT* people.
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Events I Frankfurt/virtual I 
PROUT DIVERSITY LEADERS: Queer Diversity Strategy & Trends
Hands-on exchange of diversity managers and HR professionals.
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Study: Inter* at the Office?!
By Dipl.-Psych. Prof. Dr. Dominic Frohn, B.Sc. Psych. Michael Wiens, B.Sc. Psych. Sarah Buhl, B.Sc. Psych. Milena…
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Products I 
Educational poster “Small question, big effect”
The educational poster shows quickly and easily why sexual orientation is not just a private matter.
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Advice & guidance
Implementation of the third gender option in your company
We accompany you during the implementation and are at your side throughout the entire process.
Mehr dazuWe’ve got something for everyone …
You have a specific idea in mind but haven’t found anything suitable? Whether it’s a workshop, a talk, a publication or a cooperation – tailor-made formats are our speciality!
Give us a call or write to us – together, we’ll find the perfect solution for you.