Big Impact Initiative Award:
At first glance, the topic has nothing to do with the workplace, but if you look closely, you will find a labor law perspective. It’s about reducing discrimination against gays, or more specifically, against men who have sex with men. Gay, bisexual men and trans* people currently have to comply with a 12-month deferral period, if they want to donate blood. Specifically, this means that they must suspend their love lives for a year in order to donate much-needed blood. In many other countries, this deferral period is only three or four months. This discrimination led the network’s company to stop blood donations on its own campus in protest of the current deferral period. In addition, the network has campaigned for a change to be made to the underlying legal regulation. On the initiative of the network to be awarded, PROUT AT WORK, together with 12 other companies from German industry, then published the position paper on blood donations on April 17, 2020 and sent it to political and medical decision-makers.
With this initiative, the network to be honored has both challenged internal standards and made a significant impact on society as a whole.
Rising Star Award:
Be You @ Beiersdorf
The network was able to attract 20 active networkers and 200 allies with its launch campaign. Internally, Be You @ Beiersdorf works intensively on diversity workshops and is thus committed to an open culture. One of the network’s greatest achievements this year was certainly the Pride Season campaign: under the hashtag PRIDEINSIDE, the Rainbow Bulli was used locally in Hamburg to raise awareness and educate people on the streets. Nationally, the prominently marketed Rainbow cans of the Group’s best-known brand caused a stir in stores. In addition, the campaign, which grew out of the company’s internal LGBT*IQ network, was linked to an education project. Information flyers were displayed next to each display in the stores, explaining what the company is doing as part of its corporate social responsibility: financial support was provided for Olivia Jones’ ‘Olivia macht Schule’ project, which raises awareness of LGBT*IQ issues in schools.
Global Leader Award:
GABLE @ Procter & Gamble
Founded in the 1990s, it has since been campaigning for LGBT*IQ equal opportunities internally, externally and, above all, internationally. In impressive short reports, for example, it tells the story of the beginnings and progress of LGBT*IQ commitment in the company and also the history of the network itself, together with the BBC. The network is active in 43 countries with 5,000 networkers, shaping LGBT*IQ diversity across the company. Internally, there are educational trainings on LGBT*IQ, the company celebrates its own diversity & inclusion culture and also informs the general workforce about the LGBT*IQ network in order to recruit further committed people. In employee surveys, the company wants to find out directly from LGBT*IQ employees how they feel about their own sense of acceptance and how open the company is about sexual orientation and identity. The company is also visible externally on diversity issues. From commercials on gender biases to LGBT*IQ oriented marketing campaigns, the company cooperates with various LGBT*IQ NGOs to achieve equal opportunities for LGBT*IQ people around the globe.
Big Impact Initiative Award:
be.queer LGBTIQ and allies at Bertelsmann
This year, the award in the Big Impact Initiative category went to Bertelsmann’s be.queer network. To mark this year’s Coming Out Day, the company published creative contributions designed to make its own employees more aware of the topic of coming out in the workplace. For example, rather than focusing just on their own group, the network used the project as an opportunity to get several generations and departments of the company involved. To this end, they initiated the first cross‑division trainee project and thus prompted several companies to consider a change in perspective. “We have a social responsibility and are a powerful instrument for the population at large. The video allows us to draw attention to the topic in society, too, using one of our trade marks – the moving image.
Rising Star Award:
MORE* Queer@OttoGroup
The Otto Group’s MORE* network won the Rising Star Award 2019. Founded as recently as late July 2019, the network has adopted a clear role within the company with the familiar objective of bringing employees together – whether they are queer, allies or simply curious. They actively take a stand in favour of LGBTIQ diversity and against discrimination, and lend a voice to those who have not (yet) found theirs. They have already succeeded in getting the rainbow flag permanently positioned between the Group’s flags and have also ensured that, in future, employees will make their way into work via a specially created Pride Walk. Over 200 employees are now part of the network. And the clear message from all involved is: “We are convinced that in public debates corporate groups have a growing social responsibility and must actively take a stand in favour of diversity.”
Global Leader Network Award:
dbPride – Deutsche Bank’s LGBTQI network
Deutsche Bank’s dbPride network received the Global Leader Network Award 2019. Thanks to impressive activities in various countries, they demonstrated how they promote equal opportunities for LGBTIQ people. They use targeted campaigns not only to advocate actual change for the better within their own corporate culture, but also to play an active part in global efforts to change the political and societal situation of LGBTIQ people. They were actively involved in the drafting of the LGBTI Standards of Conduct for Business and are among the most committed members of various initiatives, declarations and statements. Determined and effective, this network ensures that their company translates its corporate philosophy into deeds.