Every donation supports the work of the PROUT AT WORK Foundation towards a non-discriminatory work life. By supporting public and professional education as well as science and research, we are creating an open work environment for the queer community.
Simply donate online.
PROUT AT WORK-Foundation
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
IBAN: DE06 7002 0500 0009 8266 00
PROUT AT WORK is classified as a non-profit organization by the Munich tax office dated November 4, 2021: It exclusively and directly serves tax-privileged charitable purposes within the meaning of §§ 51 ff AO and is one of the corporations designated in § 5 para. 1 no. 9 KStG.
good to know
Pursuant to Paragraph 10b of the German Income Tax Act, donations to recognised non-profit foundations and organisations are tax deductible. They may be claimed as special expenses up to an amount of 20 percent of total income or up to 4 tenths of a percent of the sum of total revenue as well as wages and salaries paid during the calendar year and thus be deducted from tax.
There are many ways to donate to the PROUT AT WORK Foundation – donating, leaving a bequest or making an endowment contribution.
Donations up to 200 EURO
Donations up to 200 Euro may be submitted to the tax office without an official donation receipt, simply using the deposit slip of the bank transfer.
donations over 200 euro
Donations over 200 Euro must be documented by a donation receipt that needs to be issued by the recipient of the donation. In order for us to issue a receipt, kindly provide us with your first name and surname, your full address and the note “Donation receipt please”.
As a registered non-profit organisation, the PROUT AT WORK Foundation is exempt from corporation and trade tax.
Leaving a legacy: You don’t need to have a vast fortune to include us in your will. Any donation contributes to a work environment that offers equal opportunities for everyone.
As a non-profit organisation, the PROUT AT WORK Foundation is recognised as particularly worthy of support and thus exempt from inheritance tax. That means your entire bequest goes towards the foundation’s goals.
endowment contribution
An endowment contribution comes with a number of tax benefits. Long-term civic engagement is particularly valued in German legislation and therefore receives tax benefits. Individuals making an endowment contribution may claim up to one million Euro as a tax deduction within a ten-year period.
Whether it’s property or money – if an inheritance is transferred to a foundation within 24 months, no inheritance tax is payable.
An informal statement of intent is sufficient to make an endowment contribution. Let’s talk about it!
You would like to know more about your donation options?
Call or write us to learn more about our work and how we handle the various donation opportunities.